The Conjuring

About a week ago today, I went out to see the Conjuring. I realize I’m a little late on the bandwagon here, but I’ve been working and dealing with some other things as well.

For those of you who haven’t seen the trailer or the movie yet, here’s a brief little overview:

(There are no spoilers) 

Basically, there are two paranormal investigators who go into a house, upon request, to determine if there is a haunting/evil spirits/a possession. It’s that sortta thing.

I was expecting a lot of jump scares – maybe a few screams. In reality, though, the movie wasn’t terribly scary when you were actually in the theatre. There were some suspenseful scenes, and some goosebumps however. And that night, when I went to go to sleep… Not a fun time.

In addition to the night time creeps, the movie itself was well done. I’ve been told that it’s similar to the style of the original Exorcist. The movie has an old time feel and look, and if I’m not mistaken the movie is actually set in 1960-1970.

My main recommendation – go see it. It’s a good scare without any swearing, blood, gore, sex, or the other things typically found in popular, successful movies today. Just make sure you’ve got a teddy bear on hand.