February = Death by Midterms

All right, let’s be honest. Time management in high school is something non-existant. It’s pretty easy to just study for an hour or two the night before a test or exam and pull off a decent grade. Time management in university? Do or die.

I spent my night locked in a study lounge in my residence, scrambling to shove as much philosophical theories in my head as I possibly could. Was it hectic? Heck yeah! Was it my fault? Also, heck yeah…

If I would’ve just taken a bit of time to study over the weeks leading up to midterm week instead of putting it all off to be social 24/7, I probably would have slept much longer and better last night than I actually did.

I had my midterm this morning at 11:30; I went to bed at 2:00 a.m. and woke up at about 9:30 to study the last minute things that my brain wasn’t retaining last night. For those who aren’t mathematicians (lord knows, I’m not either), that’s a nice whopping of 7 and a half hours of sleep. Which, really, is quite decent.

Except that I did the same thing last week for two days, finishing a paper and getting ready for another midterm. Needless to say, February – or as we call it, the month of death – is killing me right now. My last  midterm of the semester is on Friday, and then the saving grace of reading week comes in.

People say reading week isn’t for reading…. It’s literally a week of reading for me… Mostly from the Bible. Yeah…

All that to say, university isn’t high school. It requires you to work, and care, and plan. It’s wonderful, and hard, and the best time you’ll have. Mind you, it’s not perfect and it’s not all fun and games.

High school is not the time of your life…. Neither is February.