Being Close

I live about an hour away from my home town, so I tend to travel home at least once, twice a month to stay the weekend with my parents.

It’s ideal, really. I didn’t think I’d want to be very close to home because then I wouldn’t be able to have my independence and such. In retrospect, being closer to home was definitely the best choice for me.

All that being said, I came home this weekend, and when I told two of my floormates that I was heading home the first thing they said was “does this mean we get home cooked things!?’ I thought this was hilarious, but they both live pretty far so it really is a novelty for them. We got talking about what kind of desserts they liked, and I ended up being charged with making a cheesecake.

I’ve never even attempted to make a cheesecake before. I’m actually quite nervous – the finished product is in the oven baking right now….

I love being able to bring simple things back up to residence for friends though. If you guys live close enough to pull it off, be a dear and bring your friends some food.

Cafeteria cheesecake will still be worse than my attempt at home-made cheesecake!